"La fiesta del erudito"

"La fiesta del erudito"

domingo, 31 de enero de 2021





Supraconsciousness is the awakening that every earthly human being has longed for since time immemorial when he has undertaken countless searches in all fields to find the answers that will locate him, not only as a thinking being, but also as a conscious being.


To Be Aware of his actions, aware of his responsibility as a human being inhabiting the infinite cosmos where he has a place.


Supraconsciousness is to glimpse the Internal Light that dwells in our being and the way to fan that flame, not only for our benefit but also for all the beings that surround us.


Learn to know The Powerful energy of the Supreme Maker that manifests itself in everything that exists. Everything vibrates by His divine breath, present is in the existence of the son, latent at all times, animating not only his organism, but also in his mind, which, being of divine origin, puts him in direct contact with the infinite force that governs to the planets, constellations, galaxies and other bodies that make up the vast universe.


Through these studies, you can deepen your knowledge about yourself and develop an orderly and conscious way about your wonderful faculties that until now have remained hidden in your mind.


To Wake up and work in a disciplined way everything that is indicated here. They are teachings that have been transmitted to us by Superior brothers, coming from other planets; They indicate the methods to overcome our scientific and technological knowledge and even more. They guide us on the great path that leads us to improvement, always with the wonderful guidance of the CREATOR Who has deposited his Divine Essence and will make you aware of his constant and loving presence.


The great geological changes that are manifested on our planet will bring enormous benefits to the human being that populates it. The earthly inhabitant will cross the threshold of Consciousness and may be a very useful element to fulfill this delicate mission that has been entrusted by the Supreme Divine Regent Yashuah present among us.


We must open not only our minds but also our hearts to receive that Wonderful Essence of Our Creator and to be able to fill our existence in Love with this infinite power Supreme Love, Clarity Love, Eternal Love.


Grant your mind and your consciousness higher life possibilities, do not allow your doubts to be unfathomable abysses that separate you from the truth, turn your physical vehicle into a temple where it can openly manifest itself in the spark of Divine Light that has been given to you.


To achieve Ascension it is first essential to dominate our body.

Let us be actively aware of the execution action of our vehicle since our body is the principle for the base to sustain the Divine Light Energy Vibration for Ascension.



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